Supporting Disability Support Services

We consider handling individuals health data a considerable privilege, so this piece of research has been conducted conscientiously on our behalf. Our data scientists have been investigating disability data provided by Manawanui and used it in conjunction with data from Stats NZ's IDI (Integrated Data Infrastructure) to conduct this research.

“This project represents an ideal collaboration. Manawanui focus on empowering people to manage their needs and are using data to make that happen. Nicholson Consulting bring a wealth of experience in applying data science to service design, so this partnership with Precision Driven Health promises to improve outcomes for a group that are often neglected in major health data initiatives”.

Kevin Ross, CEO of Precision Driven Health.

“We know that having a better understanding of the people we support will enable us to improve our services to them, support them more effectively to be independent and self-directed and, consequently, improve life outcomes and the quality of their lives.”

Marsha Marshall, CEO of Manawanui.

Check out the publication here on the Precision Driven Health website for a more in-depth summary of our work. We are nearing the end of this project and look forward to sharing our findings in a final report due out soon.


HACK Aotearoa 2019


ACC and Fast Tracking Recovery Pathways