Te whakaora i te reo Māori – hei whāngai mōhiohio ki ō tātou hapori
Tutungia te hatete o te reo kia kongange kia pūkauri
Stoke the fires of te reo Māori so that it blazes and glows
- Pānia Papa & Leon Blake
Kei tēnei tau nei ka 50 ngā tau o te petihana reo Māori, i ākina ai e ia kia manaakitia tō tātou reo Māori. Kua tika pea te wā kia tahuri ki te tirotiro i te putanga hou a tētahi kaupapa e ngākaunui nei, e whakahīhī nei a Nicholson Consulting – He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori – me te whakatakoto pūrongo mō ēnei mahi e pūkauri tonu ai, e muramura tonu ai te ahi o te reo Māori.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Māori language petition, which pushed for active recognition of te reo Māori. It seems a fitting time to reflect on the next iteration of a project Nicholson Consulting is very proud of - He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori - and provide an update on how this mahi is continuing to help te reo Māori blaze and glow.
Ko He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori (HAP) tētahi whaihanga matapae i te whakamahia, i te taumata o te reo Māori i Aotearoa, hei tautoko i te whakamahere, i te whakapau pūtea e ora ai te reo. Ko tā te HAP he tirotiro ki te tokomaha o te hunga kōrero Māori i ngā hapori i tēnei wā, ā, 2040 noa, me te whakautu pātai pēnei nā: ‘He aha te hua o te tokomaha haere o ngā whānau e noho rumaki ana i ngā hapori?’ Ko tēnei rānei: ‘He aha te hua o te tokomaha haere o ngā tamariki i ngā kura kōrero Māori?’
He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori (HAP) is a microsimulation model of te reo Māori usage and fluency in Aotearoa that’s designed to support planning and investment so the language can thrive. HAP can be used to look at the number of te reo Māori speakers from now out to 2040 within communities and answer questions such as: ‘What is the impact of having more whānau in community immersion initiatives?’ Or: ‘What is the impact of having more tamariki in kura?
Nō muri i tā tātou pōhi whakamutunga mō HAP, kua huihui mai ko Kōtātā Insight me Nicholson Consulting ki Te Mātāwai (he kaupapa tautoko ā-pūtea, ā-rangahau mō ngā hapori Māori) hei tautoko i te whakaoratanga o te reo Māori. Ko te mahi atu ki Te Mātāwai he tahuri nui ki te Maihi Māori, me ngā mōhiohio e aro nui ana ki ngā whāinga o te hapori ake.
Since our last post about HAP, Kōtātā Insight and Nicholson Consulting have partnered with Te Mātāwai (who provide investment and research insights to Māori communities) to support te reo Māori revitalisation. Working with Te Mātāwai meant there was a stronger focus on the Maihi Māori, and insights that focussed on community aspirations.
E toru ngā whāinga matua mō tēnei mahi:
There were three focus areas for this mahi:
Ngā Mōhiohio mō ngā Kāhui
Ko ngā Kāhui he mea hanga i te kōtui o ngā iwi e maha. Kei ia Kāhui tōna Pae Motuhake, he toa reo rātou nō ngā rohe, he māngai mō ō rātou nā iwi, hei whakamahere huarahi tautoko ā-pūtea, ā-whāinga, hei tuku whakataunga atu ki te poari o Te Mātāwai.
Ko ngā mōhiohio a HAP kua whakarōpūngia mā te Kāhui tonu, ko ngā kauwhata, me ngā mahere. I mahi tahi a Nicholson Consulting me Kōtātā Insight ki Te Mātāwai hei ārahi i te whakamārama i ngā kauwhata me ngā mahere. I tēnei wā, kei te mahi a Te Mātāwai kia tohaina ēnei mōhio ki ngā Pae Motuhake, ā, kua tīmata kē a HAP ki te āwhina i ngā whakataunga mō te tautoko ā-pūtea, me te whakatakoto rautaki.
Kāhui Insights
The Kāhui are a set of large groups representing mainly iwi. Each Kāhui has a Pae Motuhake who are regional panels of language champions that represent the interests of their people, develop investment plans / priorities, and make recommendations to the Te Mātāwai board.
Insights from HAP have been grouped into Kāhui tables and maps. Nicholson Consulting and Kōtātā Insight worked with Te Mātāwai to provide guidance for interpreting the tables and maps. Currently, Te Mātāwai is working to share these insights with the Pae Motuhake, and HAP has already assisted with discussion and decision-making around investment and strategy.
Te Whakarato i ngā Rohe
Ko te HAP tuatahi i aro kau noa ki ngā kaupapa ā-hapori i te motu. Ināianei, kua hōhonu rawa te ruku a HAP; ko te tātauira hou nei e matapae ana i te hua o te tautoko i ētahi atu anō kaupapa ā-hapori, i ētahi rohe whāiti rawa. Mā ēnei mōhio whāiti nei, mā te HAP hei ārahi whakataunga tautoko ā-pūtea, mō te tono hoki i ngā pūtea o te motu, o te rohe rānei.
Regional Investment
The original HAP model looked at community initiatives across the motu. Now, HAP can get more granular; the model now showcases the impact of investing in more community initiatives in specific regions. With this additional detail, HAP can be used to make investment decisions or request additional funding at both national and regional levels.
Ko te Rumaki
Mō te tahuri ki te reo, ā, mō te matatau hoki, nā ētahi atu mahi o mua i tohu te mana o te wāhi ko te reo Māori anake te reo o taua wāhi (ngā rumaki). Nā ēnei mahi hou nei i tohu ake ērā wāhi kei reira te ōrau nui, kei reira te huhua rānei o te iwi kōrero Māori i te hapori, me ētahi kāinga anō hoki e 2, neke atu rānei ngā tāngata kei aua kāinga e whakawhiti kōrero Māori ana ki reira. Ka whakaaturia ēnei whakakitenga nei ki ngā hapori, ka huri atu ngā whakaaro o ngā tāngata piri ki aua hapori ki ngā marae, ki ngā kura, ki ngā kōhanga, me ngā reo irirangi Māori o te rohe kei reira te reo Māori e rere ana. Ko ēnei rumaki nei te hua o ngā kaha o ngā kaupapa i whakapaua kia tū mai ētahi wāhi whakahikohiko i te ora o te reo Māori ki reira
Immersion domains
In terms of te reo Māori adoption and fluency, earlier mahi highlighted the importance of places where only te reo Māori is spoken (immersion domains). The latest work has identified places where there are a large percentage or large number of speakers at the community level, as well as households where there were 2 or more members who could have a conversation in te reo Māori. When these results were presented to communities, people with connections to these communities were able to speak of the marae, kura, kohanga, and iwi radio stations in the area where te reo Māori is shared regularly. These immersion domains reflect how communities are successfully creating spaces for te reo Māori to thrive.
He mahere wāhi rumaki ā-whānau (Map of whānau immersion domains)
Ko ngā mōhio a tēnei putanga a HAP ka whakaaturia ki ia Pae Motuhake e whakakanohi rā i tōna Kāhui, māna anō hei āwhina i te taha ki te whakatau aronga. Ko ēnei kaupapa he whakahōnore ngā mahi whakaora i te reo Māori i tutuki i ō tātou tīpuna, e ū tonu ai anō te tipu haere o te reo hei anamata – kia ūkaipō anō te reo.
The insights from this iteration of HAP will be presented to each Pae Motuhake who represent their Kāhui and will be used to help with strategic decisions. These initiatives are important to honour the past te reo Māori revitalisation work of our tīpuna and will ensure that the language continues to flourish into the future – kia ūkaipō anō te reo.
Ki te hiahia kōrero atu anō mō HAP, whakapā mai mā te īmēra hello@nicholsonconsulting.co.nz.
If you’d like to learn more about HAP, get in touch by emailing hello@nicholsonconsulting.co.nz.
Translations provided by Ōkupu