Our Stories
Case studies, explainer content and good news
Mahuru Māori 2023
To celebrate Mahuru Māori 2023, we’re sharing a hand trick for adding te reo Māori intros and sign-offs to your Outlook.
Nicholson Consulting is now a B Corporation™!
In December 2022 Nicholson Consulting officially became a certified B Corporation™! This is a huge milestone as it gives weight to the fact that our business is driven by impact.
OHI Data Navigator - Towards a More Equitable Aotearoa
OHI Data Navigator takes complex wellbeing data and organises it in a way that is accessible and useful to those working towards better outcomes for our rangatahi.
Q&A: The Risks, Challenges and Opportunities of AI for Māori in Aotearoa
As more people consider the role AI should play in our future, we thought it would be an excellent time to think about the unique opportunities, challenges, and risks that AI presents to Māori in Aotearoa.
How is My Computer Talking to Me? An overview of Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of computer science that focuses on getting computers to understand, process, and generate human language.
Weaving Māori Data Expertise Into the Government Data System Design
Nicholson Consulting was selected by Stats NZ to help weave the realisation of potential together through Māori data expertise in the data system architecture and design space.
2022 in Review
2022 has been huge for Nicholson Consulting. With the year drawing to a close, join us as we reflect on moments that made our 2022 awesome.
Te reo Māori at Nicholson Consulting
Earlier this year, the talented Shanara Wallace joined us as Pou Whanake. Since then, Shanara has been running Akoranga Reo Māori, our weekly te reo Māori classes at Nicholson Consulting.
What are Algorithms?
Simply put, algorithms are a set of clearly defined instructions that can be followed to complete a task. This principle holds true whether you are a human executing an algorithm in the form of a recipe, or a computer executing an algorithm in the form of code.
Te whakaora i te reo Māori – hei whāngai mōhiohio ki ō tātou hapori
An update on how He Ara Poutama mō te reo Māori is continuing to help te reo Māori blaze and glow.
Mahuru Māori 2022
In support of Mahuru Māori 2022, we have created a few resources to help those at the beginning of their te reo Māori journey weave more te reo Māori into their daily lives.
Data Science 101: What is Data Science?
At its core, data science is about working with data to create knowledge or find solutions to problems.